29 November 2009

Why I've decided to study artificial intelligence

The moment I saw my first computer on my desk, in my room, I understood that this would be my future. This happened in third grade, around nine years ago. I remember that in the first few days I managed to crash the "Windows", and I had no idea what I had done. Then, day after day, I started exploring the capabilities that computers offer, and in seventh grade I wrote my first program. It was a great experience for me, as it finally made me a little above the average users. Then I realized that computers have much more capabilities than what they initially offer. I began writing programs that helped my father in his finances, my mother's school in her book management, and many more useless piece of software. In school I choosed my profile subject to be IT, and expected to study Word or Excel again. However, much to my surprise, the teacher that standed in front of us the first IT profile class did not have the intention to teach us boring stuff. Since than, I started learning a computer language that I thought is impossible to be learnt and understood, and the teacher managed to make it sound interesting. With the help of his explanations, I finally understood some of the core elements of a computer and the way it works which were once vague to me. I visited his consultation hours(I was the only one, really), and I managed to gain a lot knowledge.
Day after day digging into the subject I found that there was one side of computers that was still unknown. It is true that modern technology can do millions of things, including complex calculations that would otherwise take years, producing real-life images, and even creating a virtual reality. However, they can't do one thing - thinking. They don't have imagination, and all of their algorithms and capabilities were once designed by a human being. This is the main technological problem nowadays - creating a machine that would take decisions on its own.
Now, during my last year at school I am faced up the question - what do i want to study? Do I want something that has been developed for many years and is already considered something normal, or do I want something that is still unknown, still unclear, something that would change the way people live just as the invention of computers did? Thus, I chose to apply and study Artificial Intelligence - the "dark matter" of the computer world.

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